Unmasking ISIS: Defeating the terrorists who want to destroy the world (2016)

ISIS has arrived. And all Americans—especially Christian Americans—need to know who these terrorists are, why
they want to kill us, and what we need to do next.  Along with 18 practical steps all Americans can take to stay prepared, Unmasking ISIS drills beneath the surface of Western misunderstanding and answers the following questions:

  • What worldview drives ISIS, particularly their beliefs about provoking an end-time apocalypse?
  • How did ISIS grow so strong and so wealthy so quickly and who finances them?
  • What happens after ISIS is destroyed? Will there be an ISIS 2.0?
  • Besides lone-wolf attacks, how else might ISIS strike the American heartland?
  • What havoc might they wreak by attacking U.S. corporations and energy interests overseas?
  • How does ISIS differ from the average Muslim believer?
  • Are there historical roots to ISIS’ hatred for America?
  • Why do Sunni and Shia Muslims hate one another?
  • Why does ISIS hate even its fellow Sunnis?
  • Does Iran pose a greater longterm threat to the world than ISIS?
  • What advantage might be seized by other mischief makers like Russia’s Vladimir Putin?
  • Does the promise of a “Caliphate” help to radicalize and draw Islamic youth from around the world?

To order your copy of Unmasking ISIS (and more for you pastor and city officials), just click the blue title at the top of this post.

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