On Our Way to Iraq

Yeah, we know about the warning

The semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq has finally formed their coalition government, paving the way for Dr. Terry Law and me to return and resume our input for making the region a true safe haven for Christians and other religious minorities.

As you read this, I’m flying from Orlando through Dubai, and onward to a Saturday-afternoon landing in Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq. Yes, on Wednesday the State Department warned Americans to avoid Erbil and announced the evacuation of all non-essential personnel from the consulate there. However, yesterday one of our party of five (who lives in D.C.) spoke with a highly-placed friend in the State Department and he was privately assured that we’re good to go.

What a way to celebrate 50 years in ministry!

Kurdish troops guarding us during 2017 ambush by Iranian militia

This is great news because our opportunities in Kurdistan have suddenly grown, especially with regard to future influence.

As you read this, I’m flying from Orlando through Dubai, and onward to a Saturday-afternoon landing in Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq. Yes, on Wednesday the State Department warned Americans to avoid Erbil and announced the evacuation of all non-essential personnel from the consulate there. However, yesterday one of our party of five (who lives in D.C.) spoke with a highly-placed friend in the State Department and he was privately assured that we’re good to go

This is great news because our opportunities in Kurdistan have suddenly grown, especially with regard to future influence.

Besides meeting with government officials and the Syriac Orthodox Archbishop of Mosul, we quite likely will meet with the Kurdish Prime Minister (who will soon become President) as well as the incoming Prime Minister, to discuss implementing articles of true religious freedom in the Kurdistan Region’s upcoming new constitution. 

Please pray not only for our protection but also that these two appointments are confirmed by the time I land. Thanks to your generosity in our recent appeal, we’ll be able to significantly invest in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Kurdistan. We’re also conducting this mission jointly with historian and best-selling author Stephen Mansfield (The Faith of George W. Bush and many others). In that regard, there’s an additional aspect of this mission that holds tremendous potential for the future. Sadly, we’re not yet free to share any details, but I want you to know that…

Your ongoing support of this mission holds the promise of great Gospel impact for the future, not merely in Kurdistan, but for the entire Middle East. Thank you!

This ministry has been our lives for five decades. We’ve operated modestly and given every effort our all, but as we face our greatest opportunity in 50 years, we need increased ongoing support.

As your heart and conscience dictate, please click the blue contribute button in the top right corner. We’re still running the race! Please consider making a regular monthly commitment.